August 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Aug 8 10:24:21 PDT 2016
Ending: Wed Aug 31 22:18:14 PDT 2016
Messages: 180
- [ih] Fwd: [Dewayne-Net] The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Joe Abley
- [ih] John Ellenby's death
Guy Almes
- [ih] Fwd: [Dewayne-Net] The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Scott Brim
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Scott Brim
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Randy Bush
- [ih] update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Randy Bush
- [ih] Fwd: [Dewayne-Net] The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Brian E Carpenter
- [ih] Fwd: [Dewayne-Net] The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Brian E Carpenter
- [ih] Fwd: [Dewayne-Net] The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Brian E Carpenter
- [ih] Fwd: [Dewayne-Net] The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Brian E Carpenter
- [ih] Fwd: [Dewayne-Net] The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Brian E Carpenter
- [ih] Fwd: [Dewayne-Net] The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Brian E Carpenter
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Brian E Carpenter
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Brian E Carpenter
- [ih] update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Brian E Carpenter
- [ih] "40 years on, the Internet transmits every aspect of our lives" (SF Chronicle / SFGATE)
Brian E Carpenter
- [ih] Fwd: [Dewayne-Net] The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Brian E Carpenter
- [ih] "40 years on, the Internet transmits every aspect of our lives" (SF Chronicle / SFGATE)
Brian E Carpenter
- [ih] "40 years on, the Internet transmits every aspect of our lives" (SF Chronicle / SFGATE)
Brian E Carpenter
- [ih] Why TCP?
Brian E Carpenter
- [ih] Ethernet, was Why TCP?
Brian E Carpenter
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Stephen Casner
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Vint Cerf
- [ih] Why TCP?
Vint Cerf
- [ih] Why TCP?
Vint Cerf
- [ih] Why TCP?
Vint Cerf
- [ih] Unix vs. Multics (was - Re: what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol)
Noel Chiappa
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Alan Clegg
- [ih] How the Soviet Union Sent Its First Man to the Internet in 1982
Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond
- [ih] internet-history Digest, Vol 105, Issue 30
Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond
- [ih] internet-history Digest, Vol 105, Issue 30
Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond
- [ih] Why TCP?
Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond
- [ih] How the Soviet Union Sent Its First Man to the Internet in 1982
Dave Crocker
- [ih] Fwd: [Dewayne-Net] The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Dave Crocker
- [ih] Fwd: [Dewayne-Net] The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Dave Crocker
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Dave Crocker
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Dave Crocker
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Dave Crocker
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Dave Crocker
- [ih] Unix vs. Multics (was - Re: what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol)
Dave Crocker
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Dave Crocker
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Dave Crocker
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Dave Crocker
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Dave Crocker
- [ih] history of bounce processing, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Dave Crocker
- [ih] list was down - now back
Dave Crocker
- [ih] internet-history Digest, Vol 105, Issue 30
Dave Crocker
- [ih] Why TCP?
Dave Crocker
- [ih] Why TCP?
Dave Crocker
- [ih] Ethernet, was Why TCP?
Dave Crocker
- [ih] How the Soviet Union Sent Its First Man to the Internet in 1982
John Day
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
John Day
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
John Day
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
John Day
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
John Day
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
John Day
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
John Day
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
John Day
- [ih] TELNET (was what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol)
John Day
- [ih] "40 years on, the Internet transmits every aspect of our lives" (SF Chronicle / SFGATE)
John Day
- [ih] "40 years on, the Internet transmits every aspect of our lives" (SF Chronicle / SFGATE)
John Day
- [ih] "40 years on, the Internet transmits every aspect of our lives" (SF Chronicle / SFGATE)
John Day
- [ih] internet-history Digest, Vol 105, Issue 30
Barbara Denny
- [ih] internet-history Digest, Vol 105, Issue 33
Barbara Denny
- [ih] internet-history Digest, Vol 105, Issue 35
Barbara Denny
- [ih] Packet Radio and Why TCP
Barbara Denny
- [ih] Packet Radio and Why TCP
Barbara Denny
- [ih] Fwd: [Dewayne-Net] The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] Fwd: [Dewayne-Net] The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] Fwd: [Dewayne-Net] The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] Telnet
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] Unix vs. Multics (was - Re: what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol)
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] TELNET (was what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol)
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] history of bounce processing, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] more bounce management, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] more bounce management, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] more bounce management, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] more bounce management, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] more bounce management, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Miles Fidelman
- [ih] Why TCP?
Jack Haverty
- [ih] Why TCP?
Jack Haverty
- [ih] Why TCP?
Jack Haverty
- [ih] Why TCP?
Jack Haverty
- [ih] Packet Radio and Why TCP
Jack Haverty
- [ih] Ethernet, was Why TCP?
Jack Haverty
- [ih] How the Soviet Union Sent Its First Man to the Internet in 1982
Johan Helsingius
- [ih] Fwd: [Dewayne-Net] The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Johan Helsingius
- [ih] Fwd: [Dewayne-Net] The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Johan Helsingius
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Ofer Inbar
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Ofer Inbar
- [ih] Unix vs. Multics (was - Re: what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol)
John Klensin
- [ih] Fwd: [Dewayne-Net] The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
John Levine
- [ih] Fwd: [Dewayne-Net] The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
John Levine
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
John Levine
- [ih] Unix vs. Multics (was - Re: what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol)
John Levine
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
John Levine
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
John Levine
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
John Levine
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
John Levine
- [ih] update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
John Levine
- [ih] more bounce management, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
John Levine
- [ih] update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
John Levine
- [ih] update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
John Levine
- [ih] more bounce management, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
John Levine
- [ih] more bounce management, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
John Levine
- [ih] more bounce management, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
John Levine
- [ih] more bounce management, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
John Levine
- [ih] Craig Partridge on the IETF and IAB from 1987-1992
John Levine
- [ih] more bounce management, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
John Levine
- [ih] Ethernet, was Why TCP?
John Levine
- [ih] Unix vs. Multics (was - Re: what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol)
John R. Levine
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
John R. Levine
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
John R. Levine
- [ih] history of bounce processing, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
John R. Levine
- [ih] history of bounce processing, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
John R. Levine
- [ih] more bounce management, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
John R. Levine
- [ih] How the Soviet Union Sent Its First Man to the Internet in 1982
Dr Eberhard W Lisse
- [ih] more bounce management, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Dr Eberhard W Lisse
- [ih] internet-history Digest, Vol 105, Issue 30
Dr Eberhard W Lisse
- [ih] Fwd: [Dewayne-Net] The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Joly MacFie
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Andrew G. Malis
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Andrew G. Malis
- [ih] Ethernet, was Why TCP?
Andrew G. Malis
- [ih] Telnet
Alex McKenzie
- [ih] update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Alex McKenzie
- [ih] Unix vs. Multics (was - Re: what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol)
Lyndon Nerenberg
- [ih] more bounce management, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Lyndon Nerenberg
- [ih] history of bounce processing, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Lyndon Nerenberg
- [ih] more bounce management, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Lyndon Nerenberg
- [ih] internet-history Digest, Vol 105, Issue 33
Lyndon Nerenberg
- [ih] internet-history Digest, Vol 105, Issue 30
Craig Partridge
- [ih] internet-history Digest, Vol 105, Issue 33
Nigel Roberts
- [ih] Unix vs. Multics (was - Re: what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol)
Larry Sheldon
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Larry Sheldon
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Larry Sheldon
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Larry Sheldon
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Larry Sheldon
- [ih] history of bounce processing, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Larry Sheldon
- [ih] How the Soviet Union Sent Its First Man to the Internet in 1982
William Sotomayor
- [ih] bogus list unsubscribe requests seen
Joe Touch
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Joe Touch
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Joe Touch
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Joe Touch
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Joe Touch
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Joe Touch
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Joe Touch
- [ih] just a check
Joe Touch
- [ih] another check
Joe Touch
- [ih] update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Joe Touch
- [ih] update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Joe Touch
- [ih] update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Joe Touch
- [ih] history of bounce processing, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Joe Touch
- [ih] history of bounce processing, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Joe Touch
- [ih] list was down - now back
Joe Touch
- [ih] How the Soviet Union Sent Its First Man to the Internet in 1982
Leo Vegoda
- [ih] How the Soviet Union Sent Its First Man to the Internet in 1982
Leo Vegoda
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Paul Vixie
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Paul Vixie
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
Paul Vixie
- [ih] No, really, I want to stay subscribed
Paul Vixie
- [ih] more bounce management, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Paul Vixie
- [ih] update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Paul Vixie
- [ih] update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Paul Vixie
- [ih] more bounce management, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Paul Vixie
- [ih] more bounce management, was update about bogus list unsubcribe requests
Paul Vixie
- [ih] "40 years on, the Internet transmits every aspect of our lives" (SF Chronicle / SFGATE)
Paul Vixie
- [ih] Ethernet, was Why TCP?
Paul Vixie
- [ih] Craig Partridge on the IETF and IAB from 1987-1992 at
- [ih] what is and isn't the web, was Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol
wayne at
Last message date:
Wed Aug 31 22:18:14 PDT 2016
Archived on: Tue Feb 25 03:57:53 PST 2025
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).