[ih] DMARC [was "Father of e-Marketing"]

John Levine johnl at iecc.com
Wed Jun 5 03:54:07 PDT 2019

In article <56e9e125-a870-2a19-3da6-386edd14b16e at 3kitty.org> you write:
>IMHO, the simplest effective anti-spam technique is an economic one.  If
>it cost even a tiny fraction of a cent per addressee to send an email,
>I'd expect there to be a lot less spam. ...

Here is a white paper I wrote 16 years ago about why e-postage is a bad
idea.  It's still a bad idea.


John Levine, johnl at iecc.com, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. https://jl.ly

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