[ih] Anyone have a copy of IEN-33?

touch at strayalpha.com touch at strayalpha.com
Wed Jan 29 20:16:32 PST 2025

Hi, all,

I had them scanned for the USC/ISI Postel Center (when such a thing existed; its website has bit-rot).

#33 has been missing as long as I have been looking (roughly early 1990s) in every compilation I have checked. If anyone has it, please let me know.

For #9, 125, and 126, I have text but the paper could not be scanned at the time (I don’t recall why - might have had severe contrast issues). If anyone has a scan of those, please let me know.

I will be re-posting my archive of these at my website (strayalpha.com) shortly.


Dr. Joe Touch, temporal epistemologist

> On Jan 29, 2025, at 5:02 PM, Vint Cerf via Internet-history <internet-history at elists.isoc.org> wrote:
> thanks Jack - little was kept at ARPA except for ARPA Orders.
> I don't have the IENs - stupid me for not collecting them all religiously.
> v
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2025 at 7:57 PM Jack Haverty via Internet-history <
> internet-history at elists.isoc.org> wrote:
>> My book of IENs, collected as they were issued, is also missing IEN 33.
>> Have you seen any evidence that IEN 33 was ever actually released as an
>> IEN?   I know there were some RFCs and/or IENs that were assigned
>> numbers but never actually produced.   I authored one RFC in the 700s
>> myself but never actually wrote it.
>> I DO have a copy of "TCP Meeting Notes" sent by Jon Postel to the email
>> address [ISIE]<Postel>TCP-INTERNET.List   It documents the meeting of
>> 15-16 June 1978 held at MIT.  There's no indication that it was also
>> released as an IEN.   The email does say that the file is (was)
>> available online at <internet-notebook>TCP-MEETING-NOTES.TXT at ISIE.
>> It looks like the typical meeting report of the time, containing a
>> record of Vint's goals for the meeting, followed by status reports from
>> each contractor.
>> Among Vint's goals: "The format of the TCP and INTERNET headers is to be
>> firmly decided at this meeting", "The schedule for implementation of
>> version 4 is to be established.", "The schedule for Telnet and FTP
>> running on TCP is to be established.", and "the whole ARPANET community
>> should expect to move to using TCP".
>> So the planning for the eventual 1/1/1983 Flag Day started sometime
>> before June 1978.
>> Vint's introduction was followed by discussions of various topics, and
>> even some votes:
>> "Shall the Port be part of the Internet Header?"
>> Result: NO.
>> "Shall the Port be part of the TCP Header?"
>> Result: NO.
>> The process of evolving from TCP 2 to TCP 4 resembled sausage
>> making....achieving consensus wasn't easy.
>> I also have the notes I took at the meeting.  Big meetings happened
>> quarterly, so it seems unlikely that there was a meeting in mid-June
>> following one only 6 weeks earlier.  Perhaps the May 1-2 meeting was
>> cancelled and rescheduled into mid June?
>> Jack
>> PS - I don't recall anything being kept "at ARPA"; most stuff was kept
>> at contractors' sites, often SRI or ISI.
>> On 1/29/25 14:25, Noel Chiappa via Internet-history wrote:
>>> The IEN repository at the RFC Editor is missing this one; I ask because
>> the
>>> IEN's for the minutes of the meetings are all there, except this one.
>>> (Bennett, "Internet Meeting Notes - 1&2 May 1978). Not super-important
>>> (compared to say, the email archive of the TCP/IP email list at the time,
>>> which I think was at DARPA - but maybe at a contractor), but it would be
>> nice
>>> to have.
>>> Oh, I've found some evidence that I wasn't the only one who called that
>> group
>>> the 'Internet Working Group' (r.e. my original query); I don't remember
>> all
>>> the instances I've seen, but IEN-60 is entitled "Boston Area Meeting of
>> the
>>> Internet Working Group to Discuss Interactions With Gateways".
>>>      Noel
>>> PS: Craig's email reminds me of another password story. Proteon put a
>> field
>>> service password in the Proteon routers. So Milo gets the load, and
>> thinks
>>> 'Gee, I should try running 'strings' on this'; he does so, and see an odd
>>> string (near the 'Password:' prompt, IIRC). He tries it, and it lets him
>> in.
>>> He complains. So in the _next_ release, he runs 'strings' over it, and
>> sees
>>> the string 'Sorry Milo, it's not so easy this time!'
>> --
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>> Internet-history at elists.isoc.org
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> -- 
> Please send any postal/overnight deliveries to:
> Vint Cerf
> Google, LLC
> 1900 Reston Metro Plaza, 16th Floor
> Reston, VA 20190
> +1 (571) 213 1346
> until further notice
> -- 
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