[ih] ARPANet anniversary

Dave CROCKER dhc2 at dcrocker.net
Mon Nov 2 09:11:38 PST 2009

Vint Cerf wrote:
>  But going
> end-end through the BBN 1822 host/IMP interfaces would be the key to 
> noel's metric (and mine as I agree with him).


In spite of being another UCLA guy, I'm a bit embarrassed by its being touted as 
the birth of the Internet, given the earlier work elsewhere.  That said I do 
believe that at legitimate host-to-host, end-to-end, packet-based demonstration 
would be the best criterion for declaring the live birth of the world we now 
call the Internet.   It would be the networking equivalent of "Watson, come 
here; I need you."

If that was at BBN, fine. If it was the first long-distance exchange, between 
two sites fine. However the demo at UCLA seems to be the most touted.

But we should perhaps first settle on the criteria.



   Dave Crocker
   Brandenburg InternetWorking

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