[Chapter-delegates] It's in the wild..

Anne Lord lord at isoc.org
Mon Mar 26 15:31:31 PDT 2012

hi Norbert,

> Similarly, the perception of having a high ranking person from China  
> on a main panel of the April Geneva meetings without public  
> explanation had created a similar perception problem. At that time,  
> I had raised some questions, asking for explanations on this list  
> (which never received a response – almost a normal experience by  
> now), because of a growing Chinese participation in the Cambodian  
> ICT world. Based on a press report from today, I can add the  
> information that the owners of all venues providing Internet or  
> phone access - internet cafes and guest houses - have been  
> instructed to install security cameras and to record the identity of  
> all users “to crack down on terrorism.”

Back in February, Walda posted a message in response to the queries  
over Madame Hu on the agenda at the Global INET. It can be viewed at  
the list archives at:


I hope this helps,

Anne Lord,                                 <lord at isoc.org>
Director of Chapters               http://www.isoc.org
Internet Society     "The Internet is for everyone"

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