[Chapter-delegates] It's in the wild..

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Mon Mar 26 09:54:02 PDT 2012

This observation of yours (quoted below) is worth a thousand pictures. 
Or one word...
Sadly, this is more worrisome, because we have a lot of ISOC staff, top 
management, and I guess all BoT members on this list, yet many of our 
important questions never get responses, while some, which are not so 
important, are tackled with as if they are vital for ISOC...

Oh, well...


On 3/26/2012 12:43, President ISOC-KH wrote:
> At that time, I had raised some questions, asking for explanations on 
> this list (which never received a response – almost a normal 
> experience by now), 

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