[Chapter-delegates] Does your Chapter want to be a remote hub for the Global INET?

Walda Roseman roseman at isoc.org
Tue Feb 28 02:34:12 PST 2012

Dear Klaus,

Thank you for your patience in waiting to hear from me.  I've been traveling and wanted to be able to read carefully your thoughts and give you as full of a response as I can.  First let me say that I, and we, are aligned in our views on China's policies toward the Internet, and, hence, the official views that we would expect Madame Hu to express.  Indeed, I would think that it would require a certain amount of courage on her part to face an ISOC audience.  

With that in mind, we invited Madame Hu to participate in the Opening Roundtable for a few reasons. First, not having China represented at the the Global INet would raise questions about how truly global we are.  What might not yet show up on our website is that in addition to Madame Wu and ITU Secretary General Hamadoun Toure, we will have strong representation of the multi-stakeholder model by ISOC Chairman Raul Echeberria, Nii Quaynor, father of the African Internet, Nominet CEO Lesley Cowley, and likely one or two additional business executives.  So,  we can expect strong international representation on (and off) the roundtables of the open global Internet model.

I expect that the validity of ISOC principles will shine through most strongly where a counterpoint is also presented.  I  also hope that we will be able to serve up (politely) to Madame Hu and Toure ideas for their further consideration.

By the way,  I do hope that you'll decide to attend the Global INET.  We need people like you there.  And it would be a pleasure to see you again.

Best regards,


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On Feb 25, 2012, at 11:41 AM, Klaus Birkenbihl <Klaus.Birkenbihl at Isoc.de> wrote:

> collectively

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