[Chapter-delegates] Draft Affiliation Agreement Last call for feedback

Christopher Wilkinson cw at christopherwilkinson.eu
Mon Sep 27 12:41:21 PDT 2010

Pour Memoire,		CW
>>> From: Christopher Wilkinson <cw at christopherwilkinson.eu>
>>> Date: Mon 6 Sep 2010 19:08:55 GMT+02:00
>>> To: Chapter Delegates <chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org>
>>> Subject: Comments on draft Affiliation Agreement - CW
>>> Dear Anne Lord and colleagues:
>>> I wish to come back to the draft Affiliation Agreement which you  
>>> have recently re-published.
>>> Admittedly, I have not followed this discussion closely in recent  
>>> months, not least because I had thought that the outstanding  
>>> questions had been adequately set out by ISOC Chennai last July.
>>> However, it would appear that the same issues persist, so please  
>>> allow me to make some additional comments.
>>> Let me say, up front, that all Internet Society members want the  
>>> Chapters to be effective, expanding and accountable, and that many  
>>> of the performance standards and other criteria mentioned in the  
>>> draft text are of great interest. The question is how best to  
>>> achieve this:
>>> 1.	Having re-read the ISOC Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, I  
>>> find that  - surprisingly -  the category of membership of  
>>> Internet Society Chapters is not yet recognised. I would suggest  
>>> that before we go any further with this exercise, and particularly  
>>> in the light of the Board of Trustees' decisions to enhance the  
>>> role of the Chapters within the Internet Society, that we should  
>>> begin with an appropriate amendment to the Bylaws providing for  
>>> and recognising Chapter membership of ISOC.
>>> 2.	The draft text presupposes an artificial dichotomy between ISOC  
>>> and individual Chapters. If the Chapters are an integral part of  
>>> ISOC, then one cannot reasonably ask them to enter into a formal  
>>> agreement with themselves. Recall that for most of our individual  
>>> members, their Chapter IS the Internet Society. Also, it is not  
>>> clear who would represent ISOC in such an agreement.
>>> 3.	Most Chapters are incorporated under national Not-For-Profit,  
>>> or equivalent legislation. Before starting a process of  
>>> negotiation aimed at obtaining a number of such Affiliation  
>>> Agreements, world-wide, I would suggest that ISOC acquire  
>>> information as to the scope for our Chapters to enter into  
>>> international private agreements of this kind. Also, we should  
>>> bear in mind that each Chapter's elected leadership is primarily  
>>> subject to the internal control and assent of its membership.  
>>> Accordingly it may not be wise to try and impose, externally and  
>>> contractually, such performance standards and criteria, whatever  
>>> their objective merits.
>>> Consequently I would recommend that the Spheres Labels group  
>>> investigate the alternative of transforming this draft Affiliation  
>>> Agreement into a bilateral exchange of letters between the  
>>> President of the Chapter concerned and the Chair of the Board of  
>>> Trustees.
>>> 4.	The draft agreement's excursion into Intellectual Property  
>>> ("ISOC IP") is bound to raise some questions. No doubt the  
>>> Internet Society would wish to restrain eventual abuse of our Logo  
>>> (although I am not aware of any such case). However, the  
>>> "goodwill" associated with the Internet Society largely pertains  
>>> to our Chapters in their respective geographical areas. It is not  
>>> appropriate to suggest that such "IP" automatically accrues to ISOC.
>>> 5.	Implementation:	The negotiation, monitoring and sanctioning of  
>>> such agreements world-wide could occupy significant staff  
>>> resources over a period of years. I am not sure that this is a  
>>> priority for ISOC. I would of course defer to the Board of  
>>> Trustees in this particular matter.
>>> In any event, I would request that the deadline for additional  
>>> comments be extended from 16 September to 4 October, or  
>>> thereafter, following the INET and Chapters meetings in London.
>>> Regards,
>>> Christopher Wilkinson.
>>> -----------------------
>>> On 03 Sep 2010, at 07:12, Anne Lord wrote:
>>>> Dear Colleagues,
>>>> I have previously posted to this list (see below) information and  
>>>> an invitation to contribute to the ongoing work in the Sphere  
>>>> Labels group. The group is helping to define a minimum set of  
>>>> expectations about what it means to be an Internet Society  
>>>> Chapter, which are captured in a draft Affiliation Agreement.  
>>>> This is one piece of the work to revise the Chapter Policies and  
>>>> Procedures.
>>>> The draft Agreement has had review and feedback from members of  
>>>> the Sphere Labels discussion list, the Chapter Taskforce, the  
>>>> Lawyers and the ISOC Executive team.  All the project information  
>>>> (version 2 of the draft , a summary of feedback,  responses from  
>>>> the Taskforce and Lawyers and the next steps are available at http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-index.php?page=Sphere+Project
>>>> We would be very happy if you would like to comment on the  
>>>> revised draft Affiliation Agreement. To do so, please join the  
>>>> conversation on the sphere labels  mailing list. To join the  
>>>> list, simply send email to <chapter-support at isoc.org> or visit https://elists.isoc.org/mailman/listinfo/sphere-labels 
>>>> . The deadline for comments is 16th September.
>>>> Sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed to this work so far.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Anne (on behalf of the Chapter Taskforce).
>>>> --
>>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>>> From: Anne Lord <lord at isoc.org>
>>>>> Date: 8 June 2010 2:15:48 PM
>>>>> To: Chapter Delegates <chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org>
>>>>> Subject: Invitation to join Sphere Labels group (draft  
>>>>> Affiliation Agreement discussion).
>>>>> Dear Colleagues,
>>>>> Many of you may be aware that work is underway in the Sphere  
>>>>> Labels group to review and revise the current Chapter Policies  
>>>>> and Procedures at: http://www.isoc.org/isoc/chapters/policy/.
>>>>> There have been a series of conversations about what it means to  
>>>>> be a successful Chapter, all of which are archived at:  http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-index.php?page=Titles+Labels+Images&bl=y 
>>>>> .
>>>>> The goal of the work in the Sphere labels group is to develop a  
>>>>> framework in the form of an Affiliation Agreement that shapes a  
>>>>> partnership between ISOC Global and the ISOC Chapters which  
>>>>> ensures a truly symbiotic exchange of value between both parties  
>>>>> and makes a meaningful contribution to the overarching mission  
>>>>> of the organization as a whole.
>>>>> If you are interested to join this discussion you are invited to  
>>>>> join the Sphere Labels group.  You can subscribe to the mailing  
>>>>> list by going to:  https://elists.isoc.org/mailman/listinfo/sphere-labels 
>>>>>  or simply email <chapter-support @ isoc.org>.
>>>>> Recent Activity:
>>>>> The group is currently discussing a draft "Affiliation  
>>>>> Agreement" which is the output of a face to face meeting of the  
>>>>> Chapter taskforce that met on April 27 and 28.  Comments are  
>>>>> invited on the document at: http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=5 
>>>>>  from until June 30th.  If you would like to participate in this  
>>>>> discussion, we would invite you to join Sphere Labels.
>>>>> best wishes
>>>>> Anne
>>>>> (on behalf of the Sphere Labels group)
>>>>> ---
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Anne Lord, Senior Manager                             <lord at isoc.org 
>>>> >
>>>> Chapter & Individual Memberships                  http://www.isoc.org
>>>> Internet Society (ISOC)                "The Internet is for  
>>>> everyone"
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Chapter-delegates mailing list
>>>> Chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org
>>>> https://elists.isoc.org/mailman/listinfo/chapter-delegates
On 27 Sep 2010, at 21:15, Anne Lord wrote:

> [Apologies for cross-postings]
> Dear Colleagues,
> The purpose of the Affiliation Agreement is to provide a clear  
> framework for the exchange of value between ISOC HQ and the ISOC  
> Chapters, where none exists today. It defines a set of minimum  
> standards to be considered an 'active' Chapter, and describes the  
> support and resources available from ISOC HQ to help achieve that  
> minimum. The emphasis is on helping each other to succeed in  
> collectively advancing the ISOC mission.
> The French and Spanish translations of the 2nd version of the draft  
> Affiliation Agreement are now available (along with the English  
> version) on the ISOC Chapter wiki at:
> * French: http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-index.php?page=French+version&bl=y
> * Spanish: http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-index.php?page=Spanish+version&bl=y
> * English: http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-index.php?page=Draft+Chapter+Affiliation+Agreement+version+2&bl=y
> They are also linked directly from the Sphere Project pages: http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-index.php?page=Sphere+Project 
> , where you can find Version 1 of the draft Agreement and the  
> summary of feedback from all stakeholders together with the Chapter  
> Taskforce response.
> In the interests of getting these translations to you as quickly as  
> possible, they have not been verified by native speakers.  We would  
> really appreciate your help.  In addition to your feedback, if you  
> spot any errors in the translations, please let us know by emailing <chapter-support at isoc.org 
> > with details.
> The deadline for feedback has, by request, been extended to 29th  
> October 2010.  All feedback will be considered and collated for the  
> Chapter Taskforce to consider.  This process began a year ago in  
> October 2009 (see: https://elists.isoc.org/pipermail/chapter-delegates/2009-October/005467.html) 
> . This is now a 'last call' for feedback prior to the request for  
> endorsement by the ISOC Board of Trustees meeting mid November.
> Thanks very much in advance for your feedback on version 2.
> Best wishes,
> Anne
> On behalf of the Sphere Labels Chapter Taskforce.
> --
> _______________________________________________
> Chapter-delegates mailing list
> Chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org
> https://elists.isoc.org/mailman/listinfo/chapter-delegates

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