[Chapter-delegates] Translated versions of the Draft Affiliation Agreement now available - Last call for feedback

Anne Lord lord at isoc.org
Mon Sep 27 12:15:22 PDT 2010

[Apologies for cross-postings]

Dear Colleagues,

The purpose of the Affiliation Agreement is to provide a clear  
framework for the exchange of value between ISOC HQ and the ISOC  
Chapters, where none exists today. It defines a set of minimum  
standards to be considered an 'active' Chapter, and describes the  
support and resources available from ISOC HQ to help achieve that  
minimum. The emphasis is on helping each other to succeed in  
collectively advancing the ISOC mission.

The French and Spanish translations of the 2nd version of the draft  
Affiliation Agreement are now available (along with the English  
version) on the ISOC Chapter wiki at:

* French: http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-index.php?page=French+version&bl=y
* Spanish: http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-index.php?page=Spanish+version&bl=y
* English: http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-index.php?page=Draft+Chapter+Affiliation+Agreement+version+2&bl=y

They are also linked directly from the Sphere Project pages: http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-index.php?page=Sphere+Project 
, where you can find Version 1 of the draft Agreement and the summary  
of feedback from all stakeholders together with the Chapter Taskforce  

In the interests of getting these translations to you as quickly as  
possible, they have not been verified by native speakers.  We would  
really appreciate your help.  In addition to your feedback, if you  
spot any errors in the translations, please let us know by emailing <chapter-support at isoc.org 
 > with details.

The deadline for feedback has, by request, been extended to 29th  
October 2010.  All feedback will be considered and collated for the  
Chapter Taskforce to consider.  This process began a year ago in  
October 2009 (see: https://elists.isoc.org/pipermail/chapter-delegates/2009-October/005467.html) 
. This is now a 'last call' for feedback prior to the request for  
endorsement by the ISOC Board of Trustees meeting mid November.

Thanks very much in advance for your feedback on version 2.

Best wishes,
On behalf of the Sphere Labels Chapter Taskforce.

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