[ih] more gopher baroque, "The Internet runs on Proposed Standards"

John Levine johnl at iecc.com
Wed Dec 7 09:10:14 PST 2022

It appears that Grant Taylor via Internet-history <internet-history at gtaylor.tnetconsulting.net> said:
>I really thought that Gopher could point to an arbitrary file 
>independent of what it was.  Perhaps I'm mistaken.
>Did Gopher+ allow you to point to an arbitrary file independent of what 
>it was?  Or was my minimal Gopher experience so divorced from reality as 
>to not be worth counting?

See RFC 1436.  Gopher could return arbitrary files, so long as you had a client
that could do something with them.  The gopher index scheme had a short list of
filetypes including BinHex, uuencode, and "a binary file!"


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