[ih] Internet should be in private hands

Brian E Carpenter brian.e.carpenter at gmail.com
Mon Dec 5 18:02:32 PST 2022

At one point, the (British) Royal Mail had an experimental service for printing and delivering X.400 messages. I don't remember exactly when, probably around 1990.

I believe that the Swiss federal Constitution had to be changed to allow such services to be operated legally except by the former Swiss PTT.


On 06-Dec-22 14:31, Scott Bradner via Internet-history wrote:
> The post office did have a soft of email service for a while 0 you sent them an email for someone an they
> would print it out and deliver it as a regular postal mail - they put a lot of money into it but it did not last all that long
> I have read in multiple places that some people in the post office wanted to make the argument that email was
> mail and since the post office had exclusive authority to deliver mail then the post office should have exclusive
> authority to run email systems & deliver email - but I have never been able to track down any actual
> backup documentation to that effect - it would be great if anyone on this list knew anything solid about it
> Scott
>> On Dec 5, 2022, at 8:25 PM, Robert Stanford via Internet-history <internet-history at elists.isoc.org> wrote:
>> I can't remember where I read this, but I'm sure I saw a reference to the US postal service once suggesting that they should be in charge of email and it should be a paid service.
>> Regards
>> Robert
>> On 6/12/22 05:31, Alejandro Acosta via Internet-history wrote:
>>> Hello There,
>>>    I think this is the right list to ask.  My apologies if my comments are not accurate.
>>>    I have heard a couple of times that there was a moment in the history of the Internet where private companies were putting pressure on the community indicating that the Internet had to be controlled by a private company, that it had to be in the hands of someone, not in their free will. Is it so?. I think these comments used to occur when there was a big failure in the network (I think I've heard mostly when there were congestion control issues).., probably in the mid 80's or so.
>>>    Am I crazy or the above actually happened? If so, I'm looking for information, documentation, references, etc. If I'm wrong nothing happen, just let me know :-)
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alejandro,
>> -- 
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