[ih] mail hosting, Correct name for early TCP/IP working group?

John Levine johnl at iecc.com
Fri Jan 31 15:42:00 PST 2025

It appears that Scott Bradner via Internet-history <sob at sobco.com> said:
>a number of people on the list are complaining about ISOC's email rules but based on
>this letter the choices may be the list moderator's (rules that make sense to me fwiw)

ISOC is hosting this list basically as a favor to me, having asked them to do it when its
previous host was no longer available.  It's free, with a 200% money back guarantee.

I'm on other lists hosted at groups.io, who provide exellent service and file hosting and
all sorts of other goodies, for $220/yr.  If people would prefer that, we could pass the
hat and move it.  Or we could figure that free is adequate.


PS: "This list is very important but not so important that I'm willing to pay" is not
a winning argument.

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