[ih] Correct name for early TCP/IP working group?

Greg Skinner gregskinner0 at icloud.com
Wed Jan 29 10:08:07 PST 2025

On Jan 28, 2025, at 10:04 PM, Lars Brinkhoff via Internet-history <internet-history at elists.isoc.org> wrote:
> Jack Haverty wrote:
>> SATNET, and ARPANET, were both continuously managed by the NOC at
>> BBN. TCP, and a collection of "core gateways" had become increasingly
>> important to users, especially in the UK in Peter Kirstein's group,
>> which had to rely on TCP through SATNET to access computers in the US.
> This would have been before 1983, correct?  I'm curious which
> (important) computers were avaiable through TCP?

RFCs 832-839 and 842-848 have results of tests of TCP availability run by Dave Smallberg around the time of the flag day.  As for “important”, that was a matter of opinion. ;) Some people were unhappy about partial or total loss of some of the “popular" mailing lists such as human-nets, sf-lovers, and unix-wizards when sites running and/or gatewaying those lists were partially or totally unavailable.


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