[ih] Correct name for early TCP/IP working group?

Lars Brinkhoff lars at nocrew.org
Tue Jan 28 22:04:13 PST 2025

Jack Haverty wrote:
> SATNET, and ARPANET, were both continuously managed by the NOC at
> BBN. TCP, and a collection of "core gateways" had become increasingly
> important to users, especially in the UK in Peter Kirstein's group,
> which had to rely on TCP through SATNET to access computers in the US.

This would have been before 1983, correct?  I'm curious which
(important) computers were avaiable through TCP?

It seems to me the transition from NCP to TCP was somewhat gradual.
Many histories make a big deal out of the 1/1/83 flag day, as if the
entire network switched from NCP-only on one day, to TCP-only the next
day.  But reading more carefully, I gather some hosts were TCP only or
dual TCP/NCP long before that.  Is that correct?

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