[ih] Internet-history Digest, Vol 62, Issue 9
Jack Haverty
jack at 3kitty.org
Fri Jan 24 20:04:03 PST 2025
On 1/24/25 18:10, Dave Crocker via Internet-history wrote:
> On 1/24/2025 6:05 PM, vinton cerf via Internet-history wrote:
>> that's a good question - I am not sure it was ever documented with
>> minutes.
>> It was pretty informal. Pouzin, Crocker, Cerf, Metcalfe (?) and many
>> others
>> were there because of ICCC and the demonstration of the Arpanet.
> Whoever was there an is available should record their recollections
> from then. Don't worry about the burden of writing. Get the snapshots.
> d/
At ICCC'72, I was one of the crew setting up the exhibition in the
ballroom of the Washington Hilton and getting it to work. The ARPANET
was only a few years old, and Lick had tasked his "chief of staff", Al
Vezza, to help make ICCC'72 a success as the "coming out party" for the
ARPANET. Lick was my thesis advisor and I had stayed on after
graduation in his group as a Member of the Research Staff. Metcalfe had
also been in Lick's group, with the job of building our PDP-10's IMP
interface while simultaneously doing his thesis at Harvard and then
joining Xerox PARC.
A bunch of us from MIT went down to DC to help set things up for the
ICCC exhibit. That involved stuff we knew how to do -- setting up a
raised floor, running cables, unpacking and assembling equipment, etc.
It also included things we didn't know how to do -- such as getting all
sorts of different terminals connected to, and successfully talking to,
the TIP in the middle of the room. In retrospect, I suspect many of
those terminals, loaned to the Exhibit by all sorts of vendors, had
never been connected to a TIP before. We tweaked hardware, software,
rewired connectors, and even rewired a backplane or two to get
everything (more or less?) working.
There were some interesting experiences... The Ballroom was in the
basement of the hotel, and we all had rooms somewhere up on the guests'
floors. We were working, so of course we were dressed in boots, jeans,
T-shirts, etc. I remember at one point several of us getting in the
elevator in the basement to go up to our rooms. I was probably still
wearing my tool belt and carrying my Craftsman toolbox from MIT brought
in the plane as carryon. The door opened on some intermediate floor and
a whole bunch of people in ball gowns and tuxedos got in, obviously
displeased to be riding with members of the working class. A hotel
manager shortly accosted us to advise that we had to use the freight
elevators, since the primary elevators were only for use by registered
guests. I wish I had a camera to take his picture when we showed him
our room keys, proving we actually were registered guests!
It is important to remember that the world of computing was quite
different 50+ years ago. Computers were expensive and required large
spaces. Humans used terminals on a network to access a remote computer
in much the same way they used a terminal in their office to access a
computer elsewhere in the building. Most "network usage" was terminals
interacting with some distant computer, with occasional data transfers
between two computers, to move files as needed. No web, no PCs, no
smartphones, no speeds faster than about 100 kilobits per second, no
Terabyte disk drives or SD cards. Dozens of computers, not millions. To
access a remote computer you used a telephone to "dial up" to that
computer, and you were charged by the minute.
I didn't have time to see any of the presentations. We were busy at
first getting everything to work, then we served as docents for the
Conference attendees as they came to view the Exhibit. Bob Metcalfe had
collected a bunch of "scenarios" for the various ARPANET sites, and the
idea was that the attendees would get a hands-on experience by actually
using the ARPANET themselves. A scan of my copy of that "scenarios"
handout is here:
The main controversy at the time seemed to be the difference between
existing networking techniques and the new-fangled technique called
"packet switching". I recall the ATT attendees were quite pleased when
the TIP crashed as they were watching a demo. Circuit-switching wins!
Most of the attendees, at least the ones that I helped, didn't care much
about the technical aspects. They were more focused on what they could
do by using the ARPANET, and how they could access some useful program
or data at some other distant site. And of course the fact that it
worked. They had used it themselves and not just watched a demo by
I don't recall hearing any discussions about "internetworking", distinct
from discussions of "networking". Established networking practice used
circuit switching, and interconnecting networks was accomplished by
"plugging" virtual circuits from one network to another. That was
basically how the telephony world had worked for quite a while.
Inside the ARPANET IMPs, algorithms implemented a virtual circuit
service between any two computers attached to the net. Packet
switching was used between the IMPs, but the users' computers saw a
virtual circuit service. What you sent came out the other end, intact
and in order. There were lots of mechanisms and algorithms inside the
IMP code to accomplish that. So it would have been straightforward to
interconnect the ARPANET with a clone of itself, patching together
virtual circuits at the interface.
Again in retrospect, it's not surprising that the CCITT evolved to adopt
X.25 and X.75 as internetworking techniques for data communications.
That was the obvious extension of the mechanisms that had been used to
interconnect PTTs' networks to carry voice calls across country borders.
The TCP approach was an unproven competitor. Hence the "Internet
Alex's recollections and the old INWG notes probably contain a lot more
detail about those meeting discussions.
Sadly I suspect there are no Youtube videos available.....
Jack Haverty
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