[ih] Correct name for early TCP/IP working group?

Noel Chiappa jnc at mercury.lcs.mit.edu
Fri Jan 24 19:46:49 PST 2025

    > From: Tom Lyon

    > Here's some physical evidence in support of INWG:

Err, no. As my original message said:

  could be confused with the INWG (the 'International Network Working
  Group'), a different early group entirly.

Your scanned message refers to a meeting in 1973; the meetings I am talking


started in 1977. Also, that meeting was in NY; none of the meetings I am
talking about were in NY; they were all at various DARPA contractors who were
working on pieces of the DARPA internetworking project, none of them in NY.

So maybe that's the name to give them 'DARPA internetwork project meetings'?
(We can't use 'DARPA internet project meetings', because the morons at the AP
have completely screwed up the careful distinction between 'internet' and
'Internet'.) Nobody seems to be able to point to a name for them?

We are so lucky we have all of Jon Postel's minutes for these meetings. When
we're all gone, his record of them will remain; and they were an _incredibly_
important part of the early history of what later became the Internet.


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