[ih] Correct name for early TCP/IP working group?

Noel Chiappa jnc at mercury.lcs.mit.edu
Fri Jan 24 16:06:56 PST 2025

    > From: Vint Cerf <vint at google.com>

    > so there were a few groups. ... the leads formed the Internet
    > Configuration Control Board (ICCB)

Right, but the ICCB was formed in about 1979. I have created a list of the
early meetings (starting in 1977), here:


and there were about a dozen over two years before that - most of the ones in
that list were of the body I'm asking about.

I'm not sure it was a formal group; it was basically just your DARPA
contractors on the project. So maybe it didn't have a formal name. (If so,
maybe we should make one up! :-)


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