[ih] Interprocess Communication

John Levine johnl at iecc.com
Thu May 12 12:34:06 PDT 2022

It appears that Steve Crocker via Internet-history <steve at shinkuro.com> said:
>Miles, Phil, et al,
>How heavily are AQMP, 0MP, AWS' Simple Queueing Service, et al actually

Dunno about the first two but within AWS people use SQS all the time.
It's by far the easiest way to plumb multiple servers and services
together. It's also built into some of their other products, e.g., you
can attach an SQS queue to their Lambda service and it'll spin up
servers as needed to run the scripts to process queue entries.

The first million requests per month are free, then 40c/million up to 100 billion,
then 30c/million up to 200 billion, then 24c/million above that.  The normal
version of SQS is more or less FIFO, but a slightly more expensive version
is strict FIFO.

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