[ih] early DNS, A paper that has something to to with the Internet

John Levine johnl at iecc.com
Tue Jul 20 19:09:48 PDT 2021

It appears that Jack Haverty via Internet-history <jack at 3kitty.org> said:
>I wonder how the Internet mechanisms would have evolved if the timing 
>had been a bit different, and the people who built the early network 
>mechanisms had been able to consider using database technology or 
>techniques when designing  mechanisms such as DNS.

I can imagine some minor differences like a data dictionary to make it
less painful to add new record types, but I doubt the overall structure
would be very different.  There is a lot of super cool stuff you can do
with databases but it is also super slow.

We already had key-value databases which is what the DNS is.

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