[ih] Johnny Eriksson

Lars Brinkhoff lars at nocrew.org
Fri Aug 28 08:53:21 PDT 2020

Vint Cerf <vint at google.com> writes:
>> Another Scandinavian Internet pioneer also died earlier this year:
>> Johnny Eriksson. He helped build the Swedish TCP/IP networks in the
>> 1980s and 1990s.
> please tell us more about Johnny.

Johnny Eriksson worked at QZ in Stockholm, which provided centralized
computing services in the 70s and 80s.  He was also active in the
student organization Stacken, which was a hotbed of PDP-10 machines and
all sorts of ad-hoc networking.  Johnny was recuited to KTHNOC, the
network operating center at Royal Institute of Technology, and the hub
for SUNET, the Swedish University Network.  Later he went to SWIPNET,
the first commercial IP network in Sweden.

Johnny added TCP/IP to TOPS-10 for Stacken's dual KI10, called KICKI.

Sources: the article "De byggde Internet i Sverige" (They build Internet
in Sweden), and messages from Peter Löthberg.

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