[ih] Today???s Internet Still Relies on an ARPANET-Era Protocol: The Request for Comments (Steve Crocker)

John Levine johnl at iecc.com
Sat Aug 8 08:35:50 PDT 2020

In article <c5bb425e-0a36-8fb7-ada7-981f279f5a14 at 3kitty.org> you write:
>I just looked at a few recent RFCs, and they look amazingly like they
>did 50 years ago.  Like they came out of a typewriter.  I know there's
>been some evolution to move beyond pure ascii text, but still they look
>very much as they did in the 70s.  Very traditional and nostalgic, but
>fifty years has provided a lot of time for new approaches to mature.

Since last October RFCs have beeen published in XML, with mechanically
translated versions into HTML, PDF, and text. The text versions are
deliberately similar to the old line printer format, but the HTML is a
lot easier to read.


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