[ih] The Postel Principle

Brian E Carpenter via Internet-history internet-history at elists.isoc.org
Sun Nov 10 11:23:54 PST 2019

On 11-Nov-19 06:46, John Levine via Internet-history wrote:
> In article <871rugec4y.fsf at taht.net> you write:
>> I finally disabled IPv6 on my email exchangers today. For no reason
>> I can figure, every use of it put me in spamhaus's SBL blacklist,
>> for most of the past year, if not longer.
> Turns out the problem is that his cloud provider, Linode, puts all of
> their VPS in a single /64 which is of course full of random spammers
> which get the /64 on the SBL.  I think this provisioning strategy
> fails the "be conservative" test.
> One can ask for one's own /64 which I believe he has done.

So here's the history question. In IPv4-land, people learned to be very
conservative about addresses since, after all, there were only 4 billion
of them, not even half an address per human. Why don't people adapt to
the fact that IPv6 provides, for example, 15 trillion /48 prefixes
and a number I can't be bothered to work out of /64 prefixes? Where's
the human adaptability gone that was so apparent when the Internet was young?

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