[ih] When the words Internet was design to survive a nuclear war appeared for the first time?

Dave Crocker dhc at dcrocker.net
Thu Feb 14 08:39:13 PST 2019

On 2/14/2019 5:44 AM, Alejandro Acosta wrote:
>    My question would be: when the words "designed to survive a nuclear
> war" appeared for the first time?

No idea when it was first said, but from what I can tell, it was /not/ 
part of the sales or design effort for Arpanet.  That is, it was not 
used to get the money for the project and it was not a factor in the 
technical design efforts.

In fact I recently heard that Larry Roberts relatively recently noted 
that the design that was produced was not adequate for such a survival. 
I think he claimed that at least /four/ links would have been needed 
to/from each switch.

I came into the community in 1972, just before the first public 
demonstration of Arpanet.  The phrase that I /did/ hear repeately was 
"survive hostile battlefield conditions".  I took that to mean using 
conventional weapons, not nuclear.


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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