[ih] internet-future mailing list ?
Karl Auerbach via Internet-history
internet-history at elists.isoc.org
Mon Dec 16 13:15:24 PST 2019
It can be kinda fun to try to look into the crystal ball.
One thought that struck me a few years back was a recognition that "The
Internet" (with or without capitalization) is rather like the elephant
in the fable about the blind men: it is perceived as many different things.
For those of us here "The Internet" may be conceived as a system that
carries IP packets from hither to yon where that hither and yon are
identified by globally unique IP addresses.
Others may view the net as the world wide web.
I would suggest that if we asked younger users and engineers that we
would get a rather different answer: that to them the net is composed of
interworking applications like Instagram or Twitter or TikTok.
From that application-centric point of view things like "end to end
principle" become merely a disposable detail of inner plumbing. Does it
really matter to Twitter users whether the underlying machinery is
elegant and free of media transitions and proxies?
And from another perspective I've seeing a lot of movement, often done
under the banner of "optimization", back towards circuit switching
notions - or rather, hybrids in which packet routing is ever more
forcefully constrained into fixed paths (especially for data flows for
conversational audio or interactive video that have severe latency and
jitter constraints.)
And might one consider the 5G movement (even without millimeter wave
technology) as a new ISO/OSI (but better designed to co-exist with
existing IPv4/6 infrastructures.)
A few years back I wrote up one view of where the net could be going.
It was somewhat pessimistic. However the intervening years have not
adduced much evidence to the contrary.
One of the more interesting aspects of my own delving into Internet
history has been that there were many roads not taken. Some of those
roads could be re-explored. (My own favorite candidate for that would
be to revisit what the ISO/OSI people did so badly that few comprehended
its value: a persistent session layer above transport. Had we had that
we would not have had to explore inelegant things like mobile IP or
HTTP/S cookies.)
On 12/16/19 10:40 AM, Toerless Eckert via Internet-history wrote:
> I was wondering why there is no "internet-future" discussion list
> here on elists.isoc.org given how there is an "internet-history" mailing list.
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