[ih] X.500 document history (Re: NIC, InterNIC, and Modelling Administration)

Craig Partridge craig at aland.bbn.com
Fri Feb 18 06:42:56 PST 2011

> > The first "operational" X.500 RFC was RFC 1218, "Naming scheme for c=US",
> > dated April 1991, but it's also referred to in Karen Sollins' "A Plan for
> > Internet Directory Services", July 1989.
> >
> Interesting. There is a draft of an unpublished paper written by Sollins in
> Jan 1983 -- titled "Naming, Conversations, and Federation" -- that is in the
> NIC collection (I've been informed that this went on to be included in her
> dissertation). Its very presence in that collection probably means that
> someone at the NIC was familiar with these kinds of ideas at the time,
> possibly Jake Feinler or others that went on to do IFIP work.

Side note -- you should generally assume *everyone* in the Internet
community was familiar with *everyone* else in the Internet community and
the US OSI representation team (which was heavily ex-ARPANET types)
until about 1986, if not later.  It was a very small world -- I joined
in 1983 and knew most folks by reputation if not by face by 1985 and
I was fresh out of college in 1983...



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