[ih] Why is TUBA assigned IP version 9

John Day jeanjour at comcast.net
Tue Sep 21 19:23:58 PDT 2010

No, you don't remember that really weird guy who came in with a v8? 
Not really part of the process?  He was flaming at all sorts of 

O, well, it might come to me.;

Take care,

At 19:15 -0700 2010/09/21, Steve Deering wrote:
>On Sep 21, 2010, at 6:27 PM, John Day wrote:
>>  I can't remember but who was the strange guy with the v8?
>v7 was TP/IX by Robert Ullman.
>v8 was PIP by Paul Francis, previously known as Paul Tsuchiya.
>The really strange guys were the ones behind v9, TUBA.

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