[ih] We can hang up now, it's all done.
Larry Press
lpress at csudh.edu
Sun Nov 22 09:59:48 PST 2009
> But I am sad to see no mention of Gopher and Archie (and hytelnet) which
Don't forget Veronica and Jughead.
> I believe had to have been the beginnings of the World Wide Web.
Where does anything begin? Hypertext was preceded by linear text and
was foreshadowed in Vannevar Bush's article "As We May Think." Folks
like Ted Nelson and Ben Shneiderman built tools (TIES) and popularized
the idea. As far as I know, gopher was first on the Net, but its
capability was a subset of a system like TIES. This is not to put
Gopher down -- it was both useful and a terrific demonstration of the
potential value of the Internet -- an eye opener.
(The first time I fired up a Web browser and looked at pictures of
dinosaurs at a college in Hawaii, I thought -- "big deal -- Gopher with
pictures." It is safe to say I messed the boat on that one).
It is hard to say who "invented" anything -- often it is the first
successful entrepreneur who gets the credit.
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