[ih] Proof of the date of first use of term "webcam"

Barrow, Zach zbarrow at systechnologies.com
Thu Mar 17 08:42:00 PST 2005

Hello everyone,

I have an interesting question.  It pertains to the first use of the word "webcam."  The OED has it as 1995, first used in an Arizona Republic article.  My friend is fairly certain that the term was in use before that, but is trying to find a source that can stand up to OED scrutiny to have the definition corrected.  We're both fairly certain it had to be after 1990 since that is about the time WWW came into usage.  Does anyone have or know of a reliable citation or some citable text where the term was used?  My friend posted his question at http://www.the-ethic.blogspot.com/

Thanks for any help,

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