[ih] Re: anyone remember when the root servers were hi-jacked? (fwd)

Craig Partridge craig at aland.bbn.com
Tue Nov 12 13:56:27 PST 2002

In message <3DD15996.2020209 at rkey.com>, Craig Simon writes:

>Also, to respond directly to Dave Crocker's note: If the directive was 
>justified on the basis that NSI was on the verge of "going rogue," then 
>why even bother to call the directive a test? I'm aware of the very 
>longstanding worry in some circles that NSI might do such a thing, but 
>it would be useful to see any documentation that might have prompted the 
>perception that -- just as the Green Paper was being released -- 
>*URGENT* action was necessary, either to pre-empt NSI, or to be ready 
>"just in case."

It is my recollection (and I confess to not tracking these events closely)
that Jon did a "test" which was, in large part, intended to demonstrate
where the power to site root nameservers actually sat.  And so yes, it
was a test, and yes it had a point, and because there was some political
aspect to it, yes the timing was urgent.


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