[Chapter-delegates] Membership or Mission?

Raul Echeberria raul at lacnic.net
Sat Mar 31 21:47:14 PDT 2012

Dear Norbert. 

There are several things that are being discussed now in the list, and frankly I think that the most important at this stage is to hear what chapters' reps think about every issue rather to provide comments or answer from the Board. 

Unfortunately it has taken more time than expected to have ready the publication of the bylaws changes proposal (food for thoughts). As Chair of the Board, I assume the responsibility for that delay. I hope that everything will be on the air not longer than Tuesday or Wednesday. 

There is another discussion taking place on this list that is even more interesting than the bylaws that is the relationship between ISOC's staff (including regional bureaus) and chapters, I hope we can have a separate discussion from the bylaws discussion for this very important topic.  
I have my own opinions on this issue, but I find more important to listen the members' opinions at this moment. 


El 25/03/2012, a las 12:33, President ISOC-KH escribió:

> On 03/25/2012 05:11 PM, ALAIN AINA wrote:
>> On Mar 24, 2012, at 8:14 PM, Dr. Alejandro Pisanty Baruch wrote:
>> [......]
>>> I'm glad that you and Narelle as Trustees came forward and are discussing with the Chapters these large-scale issues. I do not think that the Chapters will be happy with a pleasant surprise, as promised by Narelle for the Bylaws revision, not as much as with what should be a non-surprise, incorporating everyone into the discussion. BTW can you ask all Chapter-elected Trustees to participate? Narelle and Khaled post to this list already.
>> Alejandro,
>> We all following  and  will post when needed
>> --Alain
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> I try to understand: all trustees are following, but there was no "need" to post in response to the many serious questions raised on this Chapters list - as being discussed these weeks?
> Norbert
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