[Chapter-delegates] ISOC's policies - sensitive email

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Sat Mar 24 05:43:19 PDT 2012

And, also important: the conversation is not about you, Larry or any of the
past, current or future trustees. It is not an "ad hominem" attack, and I'm
surprised you are making parallels to individuals, serving on the board.
The conversation is about the principles of governing a big non-profit,
which can make a big difference in the Internet world. The world today is
different from the world of the past, and therefore Isoc should change to
reflect the different environment and the new tasks confronting it. But
let's try not to engage in discussions on individuals and trustees. The
main topic, the important one, is the policy and the structure.

On Saturday, March 24, 2012, Eric Burger <eburger at standardstrack.com> wrote:
> Are there any examples of Trustees that happen to be elected by
Organizations representing Organizations?
> Let's take an extreme example: Organizations elected Jonathan Zittrain.

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