[Chapter-delegates] ISOC's policies - sensitive email

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Sat Mar 24 05:08:13 PDT 2012

Thank you - very timely comment. And in support of the suggestion that
there is nothing wrong having equal number of trustees, elected by chapters
and org members. Surely there are 3 pillars, but one of them elects half of
the Trustees, which is not quite right, especially given the reason WHY
this was done 10 years ago: because org members paid the bills. Since they
are not paying the bills, their right to have half of the trustees elected
by them, should be changed.

On the general principle of who represents whom, your examples are vey
close to the European parliamentary system.


P.S. And on a side topic - is there a mailing list of the org members like
the one for chapters?

On Saturday, March 24, 2012, Eric Burger <eburger at standardstrack.com> wrote:
> Are there any examples of Trustees that happen to be elected by
Organizations representing Organizations?
> Let's take an extreme example: Organizations elected Jonathan Zittrain.

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