[Chapter-delegates] ISOC's policies - sensitive email

Daniel Stern danielrstern at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 19:55:12 PDT 2012

Thanks Veni for, as usual, telling it like it is.


On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 11:23 PM, Veni Markovski <veni at veni.com> wrote:

>  Dear all,
> Based on today's discussion, and last few months of talks I have had with
> folks from the ISOC chapter community, here is a brief view on what's
> happening, what's good, and what - not so good. Order is random.
> 1. ISOC is hiring a lot of people, and the ones that know them claim they
> are really very good people. *This is good.*
> 2. We are being told ISOC is considering changing their by-laws; we have
> not been approached with any details for opinion or at list informed about
> these changes. *Not so good.*
> 3. ISOC is suggesting to the chapters to engage in negotiations on a draft
> Letter of Affiliation, which was already seriously criticized by many on
> and off the list. *Not good. *
> 4. ISOC is running some projects, of which the chapters are not being
> informed, that include following the ITU. We have learned that funding for
> these projects does not come (only) from ISOC's funds. *Not good.*
> 5. ISOC is hiring and allocating more people to follow the ITU
> developments, who report back to chapters. *Good.*
> 6. The chapters continue to feel isolated from the decision-making at
> ISOC, even when these decisions concern chapters and chapter members (just
> one example - INET-2012). *Not good.*
> 7. ISOC is representing the technical community within the IGF/ITU
> context. *Good*.
> 8. ISOC does not represent civil society - for an independent observer it
> is an organization, which is heavily influence by its organizational
> members (companies), not by individual members or chapters. *Good and not
> so good*.
> This point needs clarification - it's good that ISOC does not represent
> civil society - there are many, who claim that, but ISOC is unique as the
> home of the IETF. But it is not good that ISOC would not encourage and
> empower its chapters to participate at the IGF/ITU meetings, as they are
> indeed the ones, representing the civil society in their respected
> countries.
> ISOC's policies towards the chapter have not improved dramatically, as the
> expectations were last year at this time. *Not good.*
> ISOC need to start treating the chapters as equal partners, who are
> contributing to ISOC more than they are getting from it. ISOC could
> coordinate with chapters its messages, policies and positions, so that it
> is not caught in a situation like this morning. And while we dealt with
> this one nicely, with many people writing what they know of Paul, in the
> coming months such disruption of normal communication may cause much bigger
> issues, than just an exchange of emails within the chapters' list.
> The issues that we are going to deal with in the coming two years are too
> serious to not pay attention to details like relations with a substantial
> part of ISOC, the chapters.
> I'd like to urge ISOC's leadership to not simply *address *the issue, but
> require *an immediate - and positive! - change in the attitude from ISOC
> HQ towards the chapters*.
> This is going to be good for the chapters, good for ISOC, and good for the
> Internet.
> We are facing a crucial time on the international arena, and it is wise to
> stay focused on the main topic, rather than waste time on fixing
> relationship, which should have been fixed long time ago. It is still not
> too late, but if ISOC continues to behave with the superiority complex
> towards the chapters, it is not difficult to envision more issues.
> If there is an argument between ISOC and the chapters, the latter have
> nothing to lose, but ISOC's legitimacy and confidence might suffer at time,
> when they are needed more than before.
> We are looking forward to seeing the next positive steps from ISOC, and a
> response to all the good suggestions that came in the last weeks by many
> people on this list of how to move forward.
> Best,
> Veni
> On 3/21/2012 14:07, JOHN MORE wrote:
> I join my fellow ISOC-DC activist David Vyorst and others objecting to the sort of pre-judgement evidenced by some in this email thread. Paul is an excellent appointment and is part of ISOC's now working hard to create a partnership with the Chapters.
> Paul believes in the Chapters and will be an asset as we move forward.
> John More
> Sent from my iPhone
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Daniel Stern
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