[Chapter-delegates] Does your Chapter want to be a remote hub for the Global INET?

Klaus Birkenbihl Klaus.Birkenbihl at Isoc.de
Sat Feb 25 02:41:13 PST 2012

Thanks you Ted,

with respect to providing a public viewing for INET2012 I got the
feedback from our board that for our membership which is spread over
Germany (and Austria) it doesn't make much difference to go to e.g.
Berlin or Munic or Geneva. So people would rather join life than on tv.

Ted Mooney wrote on 2012-02-24 17:41:
> Thanks, Klaus.  The dialog on the issue of ISC participation at the Global
> INET within this community has been excellent and well informed. Moreover,
> there is clearly more agreement than disagreement.  Walda has offered to
> provide more about how we expect Mme Hu to engage and how we collectively
> want to engage her. 

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