[Chapter-delegates] Does your Chapter want to be a remote hub for the Global INET?
John More
morej1 at mac.com
Sat Feb 25 06:36:33 PST 2012
Your ironic "story" puts flesh on my call for clarity and for engagement.
John More
John More
Greater Washington DC Chapter
of the Internet Society
jmisoc_dc at me.com
On Feb 25, 2012, at 5:41 AM, Klaus Birkenbihl wrote:
> Thanks you Ted,
> with respect to providing a public viewing for INET2012 I got the feedback from our board that for our membership which is spread over Germany (and Austria) it doesn't make much difference to go to e.g. Berlin or Munic or Geneva. So people would rather join life than on tv.
> Ted Mooney wrote on 2012-02-24 17:41:
>> Thanks, Klaus. The dialog on the issue of ISC participation at the Global
>> INET within this community has been excellent and well informed. Moreover,
>> there is clearly more agreement than disagreement. Walda has offered to
>> provide more about how we expect Mme Hu to engage and how we collectively
>> want to engage her.
> From the chapters discussion so far: it should not so much be about our expectations on Mme Hu ... its rather how we define and document our relationship to ISC, and how ISOC will use the unique opportunity (of Mme Hu's presence) to discuss and learn more about her and ISC's view on Internet, the need for control (we might call it censorship), and the implications for the Internet in China.
> Looking forward to Walda's statement on this,
> Klaus
> PS/bonus: From the discussions about the new web site I learned that ISOC communication will be more on story telling. So here (skit) the story not to read after INET2012:
> Nearly one fifth of the world's population lives in China. The chairwoman of the Internet Society of China, Mme Hu, brought best wished and congratulations to INET 2012. In her speach Mme Hu mentioned that the anniversary of the [editor's note: international] Internet Society should be used as an opportunity to strengthen and extent the long lasting good cooperation between both organizations. "It is essential" Mme Hu said "that we take extreme care and any effort to ensure that the Internet does not break apart and will continue to foster the exchange of information, contribute to the wealth of all people and helps to ensure peace on earth." She mentioned that the Internet society of China strongly supports the [editor's note: international] Internet Society's mission to make the Internet accessible for everyone. Mme Hu was a member of the UN research program “Science, Technology and Innovation”, and has been a member of WGIG (Working Group on Internet Governance) in 2004-2005. The Internet Society of China is in charge of providing important central services for the Chinese Internet as there are Domain Name Services and policy enforcement. Lynn St. Amour, President/CEO of the [editor's note: international] Internet Society thanked Mme Hu emphasizing Mme Hu's long lasting engagement for the Chinese Internet, which might not even exist without Mme Hu's continued commitment. Both organizations signed an agreement on closer cooperation while disregarding minor differences of opinion with regard to Internet regulation. Unfortunately the tense program of INET2012 gave only room for a few questions.
> --
> Klaus Birkenbihl
> Internet Society German Chapter e.V. (ISOC.DE)
> c/o ict-Media GmbH
> http://www.isoc.de/
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