[Chapter-delegates] Fwd: Impromptu ISOC-DC "ITU 2020" breakfast/Twitter Jam Monday, November 8
Nicolas Antoniello
nantoniello at gmail.com
Wed Nov 3 08:49:00 PDT 2010
It seems to be and issue here, isn't it? :
... "Near the top of the agenda was the debate over the United Nations' role
in *shaping the evolution* of the Internet." ...
I believe one of the ITU's main issue is that, in fact, one should not have
the will of SHAPING THE EVOLUTION... just be part of and evolve with it.
Warm regards,
Nicolas Antoniello
ISOC Uruguay
On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 03:53, Anne Lord <lord at isoc.org> wrote:
> [Forwarded on behalf of the ISOC DC Chapter for Mike Nelson. ]
> This may be of interest to other Chapters.
> Anne
> --
>> From: "Michael R. Nelson" <mnelson at pobox.com>
>> Date: 3 November 2010 12:05:33 AM
>> To: ISOC-DC Announce <isoc-dc_announce at listbox.com>, Chapter Delegates <
>> chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org>
>> Cc: Sally Wentworth <wentworth at isoc.org>, Bill Graham <graham at isoc.org>,
>> Veni Markovski <veni at veni.com>, Leslie Martinkovics <
>> Leslie.j.martinkovics at verizon.com>, Marilyn Cade <
>> marilynscade at hotmail.com>
>> Subject: Impromptu ISOC-DC "ITU 2020" breakfast/Twitter Jam Monday,
>> November 8
>> In October, more than two thousand people from more than 150 countries met
>> for three weeks in Guadalajara, Mexico, at the Plenipotentiary meeting of
>> the UN's International Telecommunication Union, which is held every four
>> years to determine the agenda and priorities of the ITU. Near the top of
>> the agenda was the debate over the United Nations' role in shaping the
>> evolution of the Internet.
>> Several members of the Internet Society staff and several members of
>> ISOC-DC Chapter were in Guadalajara and helped deflect or defeat some
>> proposals that could have hurt the "Internet model" of openness and
>> decentralization that has enabled the unprecedented (and unpredictable)
>> growth of the Internet.
>> So, in November, rather than holding another ISOC-DC Chapter Brainstorming
>> Breakfast, we thought we'd have a Twitter Jam about "ITU 2020" and the
>> broader topic of the role of intergovernmental organizations in Internet
>> policy. Anyone, anywhere can join us between 9:00 and 10:00 AM East Coast
>> time, Monday, November 8, 2010.
>> Just follow the hashtag #ISOCDC on Twitter.com and add your 140 characters
>> to the discussion.
>> Several of us--including veterans of the ITU Plenipot--will be meeting in
>> person in downtown Washington at the Cosi coffee shop at
>> 1700 Pennsylvania Avenue
>> Washington, DC 20006
>> 202-638-7101
>> (Free WiFi--but you might want to bring your own wireless, as back-up.)
>> Michael R. Nelson
>> Visiting Professor, Internet Studies
>> Communication, Culture and Technology Program
>> Georgetown University
>> 703-598-5187 cell
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