[Chapter-delegates] Fwd: Impromptu ISOC-DC "ITU 2020" breakfast/Twitter Jam Monday, November 8

Anne Lord lord at isoc.org
Tue Nov 2 22:53:46 PDT 2010

[Forwarded on behalf of the ISOC DC Chapter for Mike Nelson. ]

This may be of interest to other Chapters.


> From: "Michael R. Nelson" <mnelson at pobox.com>
> Date: 3 November 2010 12:05:33 AM
> To: ISOC-DC Announce <isoc-dc_announce at listbox.com>, Chapter  
> Delegates <chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org>
> Cc: Sally Wentworth <wentworth at isoc.org>, Bill Graham  
> <graham at isoc.org>, Veni Markovski <veni at veni.com>, Leslie  
> Martinkovics <Leslie.j.martinkovics at verizon.com>, Marilyn Cade <marilynscade at hotmail.com 
> >
> Subject: Impromptu ISOC-DC "ITU 2020" breakfast/Twitter Jam Monday,  
> November 8
> In October, more than two thousand people from more than 150  
> countries met for three weeks in Guadalajara, Mexico, at the  
> Plenipotentiary meeting of the UN's International Telecommunication  
> Union, which is held every four years to determine the agenda and  
> priorities of the ITU.  Near the top of the agenda was the debate  
> over the United Nations' role in shaping the evolution of the  
> Internet.
> Several members of the Internet Society staff and several members of  
> ISOC-DC Chapter were in Guadalajara and helped deflect or defeat  
> some proposals that could have hurt the "Internet model" of openness  
> and decentralization that has enabled the unprecedented (and  
> unpredictable) growth of the Internet.
> So, in November, rather than holding another ISOC-DC Chapter  
> Brainstorming Breakfast, we thought we'd have a Twitter Jam about  
> "ITU 2020" and the broader topic of the role of intergovernmental  
> organizations in Internet policy.  Anyone, anywhere can join us  
> between 9:00 and 10:00 AM East Coast time, Monday, November 8, 2010.
> Just follow the hashtag #ISOCDC on Twitter.com and add your 140  
> characters to the discussion.
> Several of us--including veterans of the ITU Plenipot--will be  
> meeting in person in downtown Washington at the Cosi coffee shop at
> 1700 Pennsylvania Avenue
> Washington, DC 20006
> 202-638-7101
> (Free WiFi--but you might want to bring your own wireless, as back- 
> up.)
> Michael R. Nelson
> Visiting Professor, Internet Studies
> Communication, Culture and Technology Program
> Georgetown University
> 703-598-5187 cell

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