[Chapter-delegates] ISOC 2008 Chapter Review - Your feedback?

Hakikur Rahman email at hakik.org
Thu Oct 15 06:02:39 PDT 2009

I agree with Veni and would like to add that I would love to see 
local chapters would be more vibrant under this new scenario.

Best regards,

At 08:03 AM 10/15/2009, Carlos Vera Quintana wrote:
>I agree with Veni
>Carlos Vera
>ISOC Ecuador
>From: "Veni Markovski" <veni at veni.com>
>Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:18 PM
>To: "Anne Lord" <lord at isoc.org>; "Khaled KOUBAA" 
><khaled.koubaa at topnet.tn>; "Chapter Delegates" 
><chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org>
>Subject: Re: [Chapter-delegates] ISOC 2008 Chapter Review - Your feedback?
>>I think you're missing the main point here:
>>Chapters want to be recognized as "equals", that's all.
>>We have been hearing for many years how things will change, and
>>cooperation will happen, and there's always something missing. The
>>fact that a Board Trustee didn't know about something relevant to the
>>chapters which elected him, alone, is not first case. Can we hope it
>>will be the last?
>>If the other chapter presidents think I'm correct, I hope they'll say
>>so. Or if I am mistaken - same thing.
>>On 10/14/09, Anne Lord <lord at isoc.org> wrote:
>>>hi Khaled, All
>>>This is all good feedback and very helpful in planning for the
>>>production of next years Report.
>>>Just as a small note of clarification, the invitation to chapters to
>>>contribute went out in December last year (and a reminder was sent
>>>after that):
>>>The decision to create a separate document the  "Chapter Review" was
>>>taken later in an attempt to more effectively highlight the good work
>>>being done. The Annual Report is a lightweight or slimline document
>>>which typically has a limit on the number of pages.
>>>Permission was sought from Chapters before publishing the photos, but
>>>we will take extra care to ensure this is the case in the future.
>>>thanks again,
>>>On 15/10/2009, at 6:24 AM, Khaled KOUBAA wrote:
>>>>Thank you for sharing with us this very important document.
>>>>I wonder why there was not a draft version of this report to be
>>>>shared with chapters especially those who has some infos about them
>>>>on it.
>>>>I personally have no  idea ( may be I missed the info ) about its
>>>>preparation, and I preferred if we have been consulted before
>>>>announcing it.
>>>>We would like to be more involved during the preparation of the next
>>>>one to ensure that content reflect really the work of chapters
>>>>around the world.
>>>>The other important issue is the translation of this language. If we
>>>>want to use it as "serves as a great tool for all Chapter leaders"
>>>>we need to have at minimum in another 2 language ( lets say French
>>>>and Spanish ) to be really helpful at a local level.
>>>>Other small comment is about pictures : it will be more judicious
>>>>also to ask chapters to provide with pictures so we can have them
>>>>I hope this may help.
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>>>>Chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org
>>>Anne Lord, Senior Manager                             <lord at isoc.org>
>>>Chapter & Individual Memberships                  http://www.isoc.org
>>>Internet Society (ISOC)                "The Internet is for everyone"
>>>Chapter-delegates mailing list
>>>Chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org
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