[Chapter-delegates] ISOC's Annual Report 2008 - Request for contributions

Sabrina Wilmot wilmot at isoc.org
Thu Dec 18 02:23:51 PST 2008

Dear Colleagues,

This is to give you a heads up for our preparation regarding the 
publication of ISOC's 2008 Annual Report. We'd very much like to hear 
from you with examples of Chapter updates and highlights of events, 
developments and activities from 2008 that worked to extend the reach of 
the Internet during 2008 in line with ISOC's mission and core values.

Let us know about your success stories - a short overview in 2-3 
paragraphs (highlights and bullet points) is all we need at this stage.

Pictures are also welcome but they must be in print quality and should 
state who the photographer was, the event and the participants if 
appropriate. Please ensure that the copyright owner has authorised ISOC 
to publish them in the Annual Report

---> Your inputs are needed by end of January 2009.

Please note that depending on the amount of responses and due to limited 
space available we might only be able to include a selection of all 
contributions sent to us in the Annual Report.

Please send your contributions to <chapters[at]isoc.org>.

For your information, the Internet Society 2007 Annual Report can be 
found at:


There are printed copies of the 2007 Annual Report for distribution. 
ISOC Chapters may order copies of the report using the order form at:


Best regards,
Sabrina Wilmot

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