[Chapter-delegates] On-line course on (medium? level) ICT literacy
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
isolatedn at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 14:03:50 PST 2009
Hello Jacek Gajewski
Stanford offers some courses online, some of them free
I found some interesting tutorial with the search string "network
tutorials" at RAD University http://www.rad.com/12/5266/
There are several language resources such these on Jave at
(David Eck's approach to teaching is comprehensive. The courses start
with the fundamentals )
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
ISOC India Chennai
On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Jacek Gajewski <jacek.ceenet at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> With this e-mail I am asking your advice, where I can find an
> on-line ICT literacy e-course and/or ICT literacy online test, at
> medium till advanced level, in English, suitable for self-learning.
> At several of the local or provincional universities in Caucasus
> and Central Asia we have a problem to train future network
> adminstrators. Most probably the best way is to let them go via CCNA.
> This however is not always possible, mostly because their entry
> knowledge is not enough to study CCNA (or equivalent Microsoft course)
> and there is an extra difficulty to ship students and/or instructors.
> It seems that we need ICT literacy e-course (something like
> IT-Essentials?) for self learning (although if needed we may assign a
> tutor). Their current know how is only basic English understanding and
> basic ICT skills (write/receive e-mail, browse web - may be in some
> cases even not that...). This pre-training will be also a kind of
> pre-selection of those capable for further trainings. May be there is
> some self-test of ICT literacy, which might be used for pre-selection?
> It is suppoused that people trained in this way, will later
> pursue a standard way of training of future network technicians (i.e.
> they will go through CCNA, Wireless, IPT, .... Cisco or equivalent
> Microsoft courses). At their current level of know-how, CCNA is too
> difficult, they cannot do it. We tried several times to train people,
> sent by local universities, but in some cases it was waste of money -
> they were unable to follow normal Cisco courses, even if done on f2f
> basis. All NetAcademy Alliance training courses work beautiful in
> capital cities, but once you move to province, the entry level of
> people drastically falls down, and they are unable to enter this path
> of education.
> I would appreciate your hint where I can find suitable e-courses
> (ICT literacy tests?) or contact data to people who may help me
> further.
> Thank You very much in advance for your help,
> With kindest regards
> --
> Dr Jacek Gajewski
> CEENet Secretary General
> E-mail: gajewski at ceenet.org
> Tel/Fax: +48 22 6685807
> Mobile tel: +48 601 440602
> ul. Pasteura 7, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland
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