[Chapter-delegates] On-line course on (medium? level) ICT literacy

Jacek Gajewski jacek.ceenet at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 01:29:38 PST 2009

Dear Friends,

      With this e-mail I am asking your advice, where I can find  an
on-line ICT literacy e-course and/or ICT literacy online test, at
medium till advanced level, in English, suitable for self-learning.

      At several of the local or provincional universities in Caucasus
and Central Asia we have a problem to train future network
adminstrators. Most probably the best way is to let them go via CCNA.
This however is not always possible, mostly because their entry
knowledge is not enough to study CCNA (or equivalent Microsoft course)
and there is an extra difficulty to ship students and/or instructors.

      It seems that we need ICT literacy e-course (something like
IT-Essentials?) for self learning (although if needed we may assign a
tutor). Their current know how is only basic English understanding and
basic ICT skills (write/receive e-mail, browse web - may be in some
cases even not that...). This pre-training will be also a kind of
pre-selection of those capable for further trainings. May be there is
some self-test of ICT literacy, which might be used for pre-selection?

     It is suppoused that people trained in this way, will later
pursue a standard way of training of future network technicians (i.e.
they will go through CCNA, Wireless, IPT, .... Cisco or equivalent
Microsoft courses). At their current level of know-how, CCNA is too
difficult, they cannot do it. We tried several times to train people,
sent by local universities, but in some cases it was waste of money -
they were unable to follow normal Cisco courses, even if done on f2f
basis. All NetAcademy Alliance training courses work beautiful in
capital cities, but once you move to province, the entry level of
people drastically falls down, and they are unable to enter this path
of education.

      I would appreciate your hint where I can find suitable e-courses
(ICT literacy tests?) or contact data to people who may help me

Thank You very much in advance for your help,

With kindest regards
Dr Jacek Gajewski
CEENet Secretary General

E-mail: gajewski at ceenet.org
Tel/Fax: +48 22 6685807
Mobile tel: +48 601 440602
ul. Pasteura 7, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland

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