[Chapter-delegates] Euro-IX film competition

Sabrina Wilmot wilmot at isoc.org
Wed Jan 7 08:26:22 PST 2009

Dear colleagues,

I thought you might be interested in the following competition:

Several Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) in Europe that are members of 
Euro-IX have taken the initiative to organise a film-competition in an 
effort to clearly tell the story of 'How the Internet (core 
-infrastructure) works' from an end-user to end-user perspective. This 
story should be designed for the widest audience possible and should be 
careful to deliver the message of 'What an IXP is!' and 'What is peering'.

The first prize will be EUR 25.000, the second prize EUR 5.000 and the 
third EUR 2.000!

For more information please see http://www.euro-ix.net/film/ .

Best regards,
Sabrina Wilmot

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