SV: [chapter-delegates] Fwd: petition for the 2005 elections
Veni Markovski
veni at
Wed Apr 27 13:34:26 PDT 2005
Thank you, Osten.
My gratitude goes also to all friends and colleagues, who continue to
support my petition.
By the way, it may be interesting to mention a fact, which I've forgotten -
I was running under a petition in 2002, as well:)
I wrote Margaret, and she responded on April 24th that she's been on
vacation and has couple of thousand messages waiting (which is normal, I'd
add, sigh). She promised to get back in time if there's a need for
I guess that the e-mails that are being sent, are getting the same
automatic response acknowledging receipt. That, I believe, is enough for
the petition process. But I'd really like to hear from someone who's
involved there from the inside.
At 22:09 27-04-05 +0200, жsten FrЕnberg wrote:
>Hello All
>I sent this on the 25 april
>please find a copy below
>FrЕn: жsten FrЕnberg
>Skickat: mЕ 2005-04-25 16:20
>Till: '2005-petition-markovski at'
>Kopia: 'Veni Markovski'; 'council at'
>дmne: 2005-petition-markovski
>Dear The 2005 Nominations Committee
>ISOC-SE (Sweden) has decided to support
>Veni markovski in his Running for candidacy
>in the Chapter Elections of the BoT
>Osten Franberg
>FrЕn: Hakikur Rahman [mailto:hakik at]
>Skickat: on 2005-04-27 08:38
>Till: Veni Markovski; chapter-delegates at
>Kopia: Margaret Wasserman
>дmne: Re: [chapter-delegates] Fwd: petition for the 2005 elections
>Dear Veni and all,
>I have circulated this news in our chapter egroups (isocbd at
>and each member has been requested to send separate emails accordingly.
>Best Regards.
>At 10:21 PM 4/22/05, Veni Markovski wrote:
> >Dear all,
> >I've sent this to the NomCom, and have received a response that a mailing
> >list has been setup.
> >Those of you who have expressed their will to support my petition, please,
> >send an e-mail to: 2005-petition-markovski at
> >As far as I could see, this list includes all members of the NomCom.
> >Better send a cc: Margaret Wasserman <margaret at> and
> >veni at, just for the sake of not losing track of the votes.
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