SV: [chapter-delegates] Fwd: petition for the 2005 elections
Östen Frånberg
Osten.Franberg at
Wed Apr 27 13:09:54 PDT 2005
Hello All
I sent this on the 25 april
please find a copy below
Från: Östen Frånberg
Skickat: må 2005-04-25 16:20
Till: '2005-petition-markovski at'
Kopia: 'Veni Markovski'; 'council at'
Ämne: 2005-petition-markovski
Dear The 2005 Nominations Committee
ISOC-SE (Sweden) has decided to support
Veni markovski in his Running for candidacy
in the Chapter Elections of the BoT
Osten Franberg
Från: Hakikur Rahman [mailto:hakik at]
Skickat: on 2005-04-27 08:38
Till: Veni Markovski; chapter-delegates at
Kopia: Margaret Wasserman
Ämne: Re: [chapter-delegates] Fwd: petition for the 2005 elections
Dear Veni and all,
I have circulated this news in our chapter egroups (isocbd at
and each member has been requested to send separate emails accordingly.
Best Regards.
At 10:21 PM 4/22/05, Veni Markovski wrote:
>Dear all,
>I've sent this to the NomCom, and have received a response that a mailing
>list has been setup.
>Those of you who have expressed their will to support my petition, please,
>send an e-mail to: 2005-petition-markovski at
>As far as I could see, this list includes all members of the NomCom.
>Better send a cc: Margaret Wasserman <margaret at> and
>veni at, just for the sake of not losing track of the votes.
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