[chapter-delegates] FW: Support for Petiton Submitted by Veni Markovski for ISOC Chapetr Representative to the Board of Trusteses
Ramon Morales
ramon at isocpr.org
Sat Apr 23 07:55:14 PDT 2005
-----Original Message-----
From: Ramon Morales [mailto:ramon at isocpr.org]
Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2005 10:53 AM
To: '2005-petition-markovski at elists.isoc.org'
Cc: 'veni markovski'; 'Margaret Wasserman'
Subject: Support for Petiton Submitted by Veni Markovski for ISOC Chapetr
Representative to the Board of Trusteses
To: ISOC Nominating Committee
To: ISOC Nominating Committee
Re: Petition Submission on Behalf of Veni Markovski for ISOC Board of
Trustees Chapters Elecction in 2005
We wish to submit our support of the petition drive in support of Veni
Markovski to become a candidate in the ISOC Board of Trustees Chapter's
representative election in 2005. Veni has:
1. Proven leadership as a Board member willing to take up the tough
issues to transform ISOCs relationship with its chapters
2. Commitment and passion for ISOCs mission
3. Lead this organization to become more sensitive and more effective
achieving the direction of new resources to the chapters
In summary, Veni has become a champion of the chapter community willing to
speak up in a courageous manner.
We wish to have his name added to the ballot along with the two chapter
candidates selected by Nominating Committee.
Respectfully yours,
Ramón Morales
Internet Society of Puerto Rico
ramon at isocpr.org
PMB 188
1750 Loiza Street
San Juan, PR 00911
tel: 787 638-8858
fax: 877 797-7909
mobile: 787 638-8858
Ramón Morales
Internet Society of Puerto Rico
ramon at isocpr.org
PMB 188
1750 Loiza Street
San Juan, PR 00911
tel: 787 638-8858
fax: 877 797-7909
mobile: 787 638-8858
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