[chapter-delegates] Organizing list discusion

Carlos Vera Q cvera at interactive.net.ec
Tue Apr 12 04:45:41 PDT 2005


As we see, there are several themes for the list and every day one new 
proposal or discussion appears.

I propose:

1. The one that propose a theme or discusion for the list is in charge of 
organize and present after discusion a short well organize list of criterios 
and conclusion. Maybe if necessary some poll about the subject or simmilar.

2. We create on the list an special forum where all themes are organized by 
date and subject. There should be some administrative and hosting for this 
forum or repository where we can find at any time any issue and what major 
criterios and conclusions are.

btw some delegate already propose a CMM so there should be some system for 
this purpose already available and ready to use.

"Urgent things does not allow important things"

Carlos Vera Quintana
ISOC Ecuador 

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