[chapter-delegates] lists management and project proposals

Alan Levin alan at futureperfect.co.za
Wed Apr 13 03:27:02 PDT 2005

Hi all,

At our chapter committee meeting last night some time was spent 
discussing this list and the projects proposals.  We intend to submit 
2-3 project proposals covering public policy, outreach and membership.

We have a few members that can deal with the traffic on this list - 
already subscribed - and between the few of us we do forward a few key 
posts to the chapter committee list. Nonetheless the committee has 
strongly supported the idea of establishing other global lists in the 
areas of their involvement.

In previous communications chapter-delegates have suggested a projects 
list. We support this and if such a list was created we will be able to 
put more committee members into this useful global discussion. We also 
suggest that such lists need not be constrained to chapter delegates 
and would be open to include (associate) members and that such lists 
also remain publicly accessible.  Other lists that are of interest for 
discussion include: public policy, internet fiesta or outreach and 

Begin forwarded message:
> From: Irwan Effendi <hero_tsai at mainsyscon.net>
> Subject: [chapter-delegates] Top Five reasons people don't write to 
> lists:
> 1. Worry of being misunderstood
> 2. Don't want to get involved in debates
> 3. Don't know what to write
> 4. Don't understand the topic
> 5. Too busy to read e-mails

I sense that since this list  has become quite cumbersome this is 
worthwhile your consideration and may result in addressing a couple of 
these reasons why people don't write to lists.



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