[chapter-delegates] FW: Project Funding - Important Announcement
Jacek Gajewski
gajewski at ceenet.org
Tue Apr 12 00:27:42 PDT 2005
Dear Gene,
Gene Gaines wrote:
>I plan to submit at least one proposal for this funding. I will
>share my proposal all chapters on this list. If a consensus of
>this list is that the project is not worthwhile for ISOC and
>chapters as a whole, then I will not submit the proposal to Hq.
I think this is a good idea to test the ground with chapters, before
sending it to HQ.
At INET'04 in Barcelona I presented the educational project where
cooperation of many chapters
would be essential, especially focused on cooperation of US-based
chapters with chapters
from developing world and publicly ask CEO and HQ how this type of
projects can be funded.
I asked if there any procedures, forms and criteria, which such frojects
should fullfil. We knew that
some projects of the order of 100.000 USD were recently funded, but it
was not clear when and in which form
they were presented to HQ, according to which criteria they were
choosen for funding, to whom
physically they were given, who were the project manager, what was the
required way of reporting, etc.
But then the answer from CEO was cold and short - we have spent all
money elsewhere (IETF/RFC editing),
so we don't even want now to consider not only any concrete project nor
any discussion which may lead to the
opening and transparency of channels through which projects could be
Members of this meeting made clear that this is in contrast,
with how they feel, what PIR money should be used for. So I am very
happy that this now becomes
the reality and that Veni can participate in the process of grant
evaluation and monitoring.
With best regards,
Jacek Gajewski
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