[chapter-delegates] FW: Project Funding - Important Announcement

Gene Gaines gene.gaines at gainesgroup.com
Mon Apr 11 19:16:31 PDT 2005

Veni and all,

The US$150,000 project funding will be a good opportunity
for the chapters to cooperate.

I plan to submit at least one proposal for this funding. I will
share my proposal all chapters on this list. If a consensus of
this list is that the project is not worthwhile for ISOC and
chapters as a whole, then I will not submit the proposal to Hq.

Lets share and support each other.  So much better for all.

Veni, I support your remaining on the project funding committee.
Can I and others feel comfortable that you are not being
EU-biased? Yes. You said the words (below): open and transparent

gene.gaines at gainesgroup.com

On Monday, April 11, 2005, 1:02:16 PM, Veni wrote:

> At 12:50 11-04-05  -0400, David McAuley wrote:

>>Dear Chapter Delegates:
>>We have established a committee to handle this process
>>composed of at least three members of the Board together
>>with three members of staff. The initial Board participants
>>on the committee are Rosa Delgado, Veni Markovski, DesirИe
>>Miloshevic, and Margaret Wasserman. The staff participants
>>are the Membership Director (David McAuley), the VP
>>Chapters and Individual Membership (Jim Galvin) and the
>>Senior Program Manager responsible for
>>Individual Members and Chapters (Nelson Sanchez).

> Dear colleagues,
> I have decided to go on that committee for several reasons, and I think you
> should know them:

> 1. ISOC Bulgaria will not submit a proposal. We submitted one last year,
> when ISOC chairman asked for some concrete proposal. Since we never
> received any feedback, we considered there's no room for this particular
> chapter within the current ISOC model.
> 2. Given point 1, I thought that since the committee is only of ISOC
> Trustees, I will try to server their in the interest of the chapters.
> 3. I promise to keep you all informed about what's happening in the
> process, how is the process organized, etc. Or in other words, I will try
> to keep it as open and transperant as possible.

> veni 


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