[chapter-delegates] FW: Project Funding - Important Announcement
Carlos Vera Q
cvera at interactive.net.ec
Tue Apr 12 04:34:27 PDT 2005
Dear friends:
We should expect that several ISOC Chapters work together. I propose for
this purpose that:
1. We submit in the next weeks several themes or categories and discuss it
on the list. Choose 2-3 relevant macro themes and then ask chapters to
submit proposals inside this themes.
2. With several proposals on the table ask chapters to look for the one that
has their preference.
3. Finally a group of chapters present a group of proposal for evaluation.
(2-3 chapters present one proposal, another 2-3 chapters present another and
It seems that we can develop some participation schema for several chapters
to work together.
About the committee for evaluation, it is not relevant who is there if we
know and have well know rules and evaluation procedures so we can measure
the evaluation done for funding assignment.
Carlos Vera Quintana
For this to work there should be
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gene Gaines" <gene.gaines at gainesgroup.com>
To: <chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org>
Cc: "Veni Markovski" <veni at veni.com>
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: [chapter-delegates] FW: Project Funding - Important
> Veni and all,
> The US$150,000 project funding will be a good opportunity
> for the chapters to cooperate.
> I plan to submit at least one proposal for this funding. I will
> share my proposal all chapters on this list. If a consensus of
> this list is that the project is not worthwhile for ISOC and
> chapters as a whole, then I will not submit the proposal to Hq.
> Lets share and support each other. So much better for all.
> Veni, I support your remaining on the project funding committee.
> Can I and others feel comfortable that you are not being
> EU-biased? Yes. You said the words (below): open and transparent
> process.
> Gene
> gene.gaines at gainesgroup.com
> On Monday, April 11, 2005, 1:02:16 PM, Veni wrote:
>> At 12:50 11-04-05 -0400, David McAuley wrote:
>>>Dear Chapter Delegates:
>>>We have established a committee to handle this process
>>>composed of at least three members of the Board together
>>>with three members of staff. The initial Board participants
>>>on the committee are Rosa Delgado, Veni Markovski, DesirИe
>>>Miloshevic, and Margaret Wasserman. The staff participants
>>>are the Membership Director (David McAuley), the VP
>>>Chapters and Individual Membership (Jim Galvin) and the
>>>Senior Program Manager responsible for
>>>Individual Members and Chapters (Nelson Sanchez).
>> Dear colleagues,
>> I have decided to go on that committee for several reasons, and I think
>> you
>> should know them:
>> 1. ISOC Bulgaria will not submit a proposal. We submitted one last year,
>> when ISOC chairman asked for some concrete proposal. Since we never
>> received any feedback, we considered there's no room for this particular
>> chapter within the current ISOC model.
>> 2. Given point 1, I thought that since the committee is only of ISOC
>> Trustees, I will try to server their in the interest of the chapters.
>> 3. I promise to keep you all informed about what's happening in the
>> process, how is the process organized, etc. Or in other words, I will try
>> to keep it as open and transperant as possible.
>> veni
> --
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